Freeplay is Australia’s longest-running and largest independent games festival, located in Melbourne, Australia.
Freeplay 2015 begins in
Friday 10 April
Diversity Jam
Online Panel 1
Panel Two

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Latest News
Meet 2018’s Programme Committee
We have some sweet news to share with you really soon, but before we do we wanted to introduce you to our fantastic 2018 Programme Committee. Built up of creatives from intersecting disciplines, these lovely folks will help shape the series of talks and panels that will take place at Freeplay this year, ensuring the discussions and conversations are relevant to contemporary games culture discourse.
Announcing 2018 Freeplay Awards & Festival Dates
A huge hello and welcome to 2018 from the Freeplay family! We have lots of exciting things to share with you this year. First on our list is the 2018 festival dates. We’re happy to announce that we have a six-day festival planned for this year, from May 22nd to May 27th. We’re also happy to announce that submissions for the 2018 Freeplay Awards are now open!
Announcing the Freeplay 2018 Festival Team
Hello! We wanted to give you a quick update before ending 2017. After a completely sold out Parallels 2017 showcase during Melbourne International Games Week in October, Freeplay is now gearing up towards its 2018 festival, and we can’t wait to share all the exciting things we have planned!
Announcing Parallels: Freeplay’s 2017 Showcase!
Parallels highlights some of the most unique, experimental, personal, and alternative games being made at the fringes of Melbourne and Australia’s independent games scene today. Come and watch as local designers demonstrate and play their creations live on stage, and discuss their influences and creative passions.
A very Freeplay update: New director and suite of events for 2017-18
Today, we’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you! First off, our very own Chad Toprak will be joining the Freeplay team as our new director, replacing Dan Golding who now serves on the Freeplay board. Chad is a game designer, curator, and academic, best known for his work with Hovergarden and more recently the Contours exhibition.
Freeplay in 2017 – Updates, Changes, and Your Chance to Get Involved
Welcome to Freeplay for 2017! After a quiet 2016, which we used to build up the organisation behind the scenes, we’re going to have an exciting year. Let me update you on a few things we’ve been up to, and on our plans for the future. We’ve added some terrific people to the Freeplay board over the last year.
Freeplay’s comment on arts and cultural funding in Australia
Recently, we've seen unprecedented cuts for arts funding in Australia. Freeplay, and the world of independent videogames, will not go by unaffected. Our director, Dan Golding, has written a comment for Kotaku Australia on the topic here.
Freeplay in 2016
After our biggest festival and biggest year ever in 2015 — ten days! — this year, we're doing things a little differently. The festival as an organisation is evolving, and that means that instead of focussing on our annual festival bringing together game-makers,...
Important statement regarding Austin Wintory and Freeplay’s Symposium
Due to unforeseen and pressing circumstances, Austin Wintory, Freeplay's 2015 keynote speaker, has had to return home to America immediately following his final Melbourne Symphony Orchestra performance on Saturday evening. This means that Austin will be unable to...
Online Festival: The Last Few Days
Earlier this week our Online Festival came to a close. In case you missed them, here are the panels that happened in those last few days, archived for your convenience. Every panel from the Online Festival can be found here. If you're in Melbourne, don't forget we...
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About Freeplay
Freeplay is Australia’s longest-running and largest independent games festival, located in Melbourne, Australia. Freeplay draws Australia’s independent game community together at its conference, public events program, arcade, and awards. The festival joins players, makers, critics, artists, academics, and students for a critical celebration of the artistry of games and digital culture.
Since 2004, Freeplay has played host to thousands of attendees and hundreds of talks from speakers such as Harvey Smith (Deus Ex), Kieron Gillen (Rock, Paper, Shotgun), Jonathan Blow (Braid), Brandon Boyer (IGF chair), Adam Saltsman (Canabalt), Mare Sheppard (N+), Tesuya Mizaguchi (Rez), Erin Robinson (Gravity Ghost), and Steve Swink (Scale). Freeplay has a proud history of showcasing local independent games at both its arcade and awards, including Jolly Rover (Best Australian Game 2010), Antichamber (Best Australian Game 2011), Stickets (Best Australian Game 2012), and Framed (Best Australian Game 2013). Iconically-Melbourne, Freeplay has consistently been part of the city’s culture, having partnered with ACMI, the State Library of Victoria, Next Wave, The Wheeler Centre, and Federation Square over the years.